Mittwoch, 28. März 2012


Letzten Samstag, als Abschluss meiner 4 Tage echte Semsterferien, von denen ich 3 Arbeiten war ... ;-), bin ich mit Paul und Jannik nach Ettringen gefahren um ein paar schöne neue Routen im festen Basalt in Ettringen in der Sonne zu genießen :-D
Genauergesagt waren wir im Steingarten im Kottenheimer Winfield.

follow me to where the fun is :-D

Donnerstag, 22. März 2012

weird drawings

Anfang Märzt war ich für die JDAV-NRW in Berlin auf einer Sitzung. Da mein Nachtzug recht früh morgens da war hatte ich noch etwas Zeit um durch die Stadt zu wandern. Dabei ist mir diese Zeichnung an einem Sichtschutz zu einer Baustelle aufgefallen (den Standort habe ich hinzugefügt)

Perhaps someone of you knows what this means :-)

Montag, 19. März 2012

80 - 200mm

Seit ein paar Wochen experimentier ich mit einem Sigma 80 - 200mm Schiebezoom herum. Da ich bis jetzt hauptsächlich im Weitwinkel Bereich bis 50mm fotografiert habe ist das für mich etwas völlig neues. Ich muss plötzlich abstand zu den Motiven halten, wenn ich sie komplett im Bild haben will ;-)

Die Bilder sind am Rhein entstanden:

Hitchcock war ein Visionär, nur manche haben nichts daraus gelernt ;-)

Freitag, 9. März 2012

stolen snow

About an hour ago, when I went home we had 14°C outside and the sun was shining ... and I cannot help me to look back noticing, we had no snow, in Bonn, this winter. It is funny, two days ago I met a nice girl who also missed the snow this winter. Seems like I am not alone :-D

Speaking about weather, did you know that sometimes the sun shines in the UK? Back in February, when I was in Manchester, to work with some awesome people, I saw it. Knowing you, that you will not believe me without a proove, I show you some pictures where you can see the sun ;-)

But to be honest, we also had some rainy days.

All pictures are from Manchester. Manchester is a city of contrasts, I think. On the one hand, you have these shiny new buildings, trying to hide the industrial past and on the other hand you have the old brick buildings telling their stories from a time where coal made this city rich.

Salford University #1

Salford University #2

I like that little red telephone box beneath that big glass building

Why did they drown the hobbit?

If you like Indian food, you should try the "This & That": 3 Soap St, Manchester M4 1EW

like those backstreets, where you do not want to be at night^^

Fun Fact #1 of Manchester

In Germany we have thos wide streets only in the eastern part ... o.O

Sonntag, 4. März 2012


Finally I made it and I nearly done with sorting and post produktion of my pictures, I took in Manchester. It is kinda weird. We had a lot stress and a lot of work to do during the day, but it felt and still feels, like holidays. Maybe, because I had no time to think about what was wating for me at home ;-) ... like going to work or learning for my exams ...

I had two great weeks with so many different impressions, so I decided to split my up my pictures. In this post I fokus on the people I met there.

Most of our time, we sat in this room, in which you cannot open a single window ...

Well, I do not know how many pound we spend on playing pool ;-)

Isn't that supposed to be a room, to study university stuff ... and not to play Warhammer 40K^^

Sometimes a laptop can help you ignoring the huge touch-screen in a table^^

Manchester United stadium

Two Croatian IT-Guys in a white painted room ...

Writing the final report

We had to sit in that stuffy, crowded room with such great light outside ...

Everytime, when we did not know how to get back to the hostel, we could follow this tower. It is a great landmark, that can be seen from nearly everywhere in Manchester.

Hope I manage to post a little more regularly in future :-)