Mittwoch, 11. September 2013

Sky on fire

It's always best to have some clouds around, when you watch a sunset ;-)

Did you know, that Oslo loses over 2,5 hours of daylight in September? check here o.O

View over Holmenkollen from Vettakollen

Sonntag, 8. September 2013

Hiking in Oslo

Here are some pictures of my hiking trip last weekend with some fellow students.

At first we went by bike to Ullevålseter north of Oslo. From there on we hiked to the north of Bjørnsjøen near Kikutstua, where we bivouacked.

At Sognsvann station


View over Oslo from Kopperhaugene

At Bjørnsjøen

The hardest part of making microwave popcorn over the fire is to prevent the bag from catching fire ;-)

Toasted bread and tea for breakfast

View from Kikut to the north-east